Save the Date-- Medina County Pet-Tacular
The second annual Medina County Pet-Tacular! will be held Saturday, May 6, 10 am to 2 pm, at the Brunswick Recreation Center, 3637 Center Rd., Brunswick. This year’s event will not only feature pet adoption, but also lots of fun activities for owners and pets including areas such as Pet School with dog obedience classes, Clinic City with discounted dog vaccinations, Kids and Pets Zone with face painting and 4-H awareness, Pet Spa with animal massage and lots of space for rescue groups and pet-related businesses. The public is invited, and there is no admission fee.
The event also features a pet blessing, food sold throughout the day at the Bow Wow Café and a coloring contest for elementary students. It’s a great place to discover just how many resources are available to owners and pets.