Adoption Update- 4/27/16
Tucker was adopted yesterday! He is excited to be going to his forever home!!

A Sweet Story
A few weeks back, this wonderful lady walked in to the Adoption Center to look for her special kitty. She originally came to look at...
Kitten Krazy Update
Since our 4000th adoption on Saturday (yay for Bruce!), we adopted Otis and April (out of Petsmart). We also took in three kitties...

Exciting Mews!
We have very exciting mews!! Earlier today, Kitten Krazy adopted out our 4000th cat! Congratulations to Bruce, who went to his forever...

Weekend Update!
We have had lots of adoptions over the past two days, especially today. Yeterday, Orion and Josh went home and today, Benny (out of...

Week-to-Date Adoptions
We have adopted out three kitties so far this week! Andromeda, Hansel and Anni (from the ABBA litter) all went to their forver homes! We...

Weekend Adoptions
We sent a lot of our furry friends home this weekend! Puff, Pharaoh and Pinkman and were adooted out of Petsmart. Glinda and Ursa were...

Wednesday and Thursday Adoptions
Great Mews! Sophia, Max & Tucker (together) and Spirit (out of Petsmart) got adopted on Wednesday. Wednesday also saw the return of...

Recent Adoptions and Leap Day Intakes
Sorry friends! In my crazy head, I thought I had updated you all on the comings and goings around Kitten Krazy. Apparently, I did not! ...

Wednesday and Thursday Adoptions
Exciting Mews!! We sent two kitties home over the past few days- on Wednesday night, Lacey went to her forever home and today, Peter went...